Consider it a streaming playlist.Ī version of this article was originally published in July 2016. To prove our point, we’ve rounded up 19 of the best shows that have had the most graphic sex scenes on TV. and visually appealing films and TV shows about / with male nudity, pubic hair, nudity (full frontal - brief), gay, female nudity, sex, sex scene, lgbt. It’s so important to have diverse representations of different sexual relationships and dynamics on TV. It took way too long to get here, but we’re so here for the new, queer, bare-it-all era of sex on TV. We’re also finally at a place where homosexual sex is shown (almost) as freely as heterosexual sex, with shows like Orange Is The New Black and The L Word: Generation Q ushering in a new era of queer couples to lust after. The creative juices are flowing as series after series comes up with all sorts of sexual positions and acts to show - and we aren’t complaining! Nowadays, it almost feels as though TV shows are competing with each other to see who can push the boundaries the farthest, like American Horror Story’s famous Lady Gaga orgy scene.
For one thing, it’s remarkable just how far sex scenes in TV have come.